Edible Peace Patch Blogs

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Which way is Texas?

Today was my second day of teaching the first and second grade classes that come out to the garden. In addition to planting seeds and going over the handout with my group of kids, I had extra time to teach them about the compass painted on a rock as you enter the garden- which lead to a talk about which way the sun sets and rises, and the general direction of places like Miami, Canada, and Texas.

Spelling (or how to spell words) is at times a task for the first graders, so part of our lesson time in spent collectively sounding out words. Once the handouts have been properly filled out, we were left with about 5 minutes to talk with the children and make up a fitting activity. So far the children have been really nice and cooperative, though there was one student who wanted to eat the seeds instead of plant them...

Nonetheless, the children energy is invigorating (and paradoxically exhausting) and they truly have an interest and excitement in learning what we have to teach them. I personally never had a garden or Earth Science class in my elementary schools, but I certainly see the value in what we're doing, and I wish I had learned in a garden when I was younger. If nothing else, my first garden (that I had help in making under my play scape at roughly the same age) would have fared much better.

After the children left, I made sure to water the plants (butterfly, pineapple, watermelon) and trees around the garden, and pulled up any visible grass shoots in the vegetable beds.

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