Edible Peace Patch Blogs

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Monday, March 7, 2011

An Exciting Week Ahead...

This morning we had our weekly Monday meeting where we discussed the week's lesson plan as well as our weekly garden goals. Professor Curtis had a lot of good things to say about how the garden is going... the beds look great, everything is organized and running smoothly, and the kids are enjoying the garden. Today was no exception, as the kids seem to absolutely love the lesson. We are focusing on composting and the kids get a chance to really get down and dirty with decomposition. We get a new supply of compost each day from our volunteers and we had plenty to go around today. I won't go into details now (some incentive to keep reading this week...), but let's just say the kids get sticky, smelly, and psyched about compost!

Upon entering the garden this morning everyone was blown away with how great the wildflowers look (top, left). We also have a baby squash (below) and newly planted eggplant, okra, and peppers. This week we plan on starting several new projects, including painting an outdoor chalkboard to add to the outdoor classroom feel. I had a chance to photograph
some of the garden's visitors, including a monarch caterpillar (above)... the adult was too fast for the camera!

Stay in touch for more dirt on compost...

Erin Stockdale,
Independent Study

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