Edible Peace Patch Blogs

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

The flowering begins [click on photos for larger size]

Today we were greeted by our first sunflower, a small bright yellow decorative flower smiling up at us from the side of the garden. We noticed it and then noticed that others had bloomed in our butterfly garden. Tall purple and white bi-lateral flowers. We should know the name of them, but we don't. However, my mother does. They are called cleome. (Thanks, Mom!) That's why I posted the image...
The peas have been flowering for a few days and apparently are being visited by some form of pollinator because we ate three more peas today. I will confess honestly that they were not quite as sweet as I had anticipated, especially since we have 'sweet' soil, but they were tasty and it was satisfying to eat something we had grown.Lauren and Kaylie were at the garden this morning. Kaylie hadn't been out for almost a week and wandered the beds with a deep interest. "It's amazing how much thing change in just this short time," she said. She and Lauren planted the remaining six vines at four trellises around the perimeter. Out at the south end we have two trellises with passion flowers started at their base. Along the east side, the two middle trellises have yellow jessamine and corkscrew passion flower. (Thanks again Twigs & Leaves!) The transplants from yesterday looked fine, both the vines and the morning glories. Even the two sunflowers that Dylan and Erica transplanted have survived. The garden is growing strong and looking greener every day.We watered the three sisters, the squash along the fence, the sunflowers, marigolds, and all of the beds. The sun is hot today and we hope the plants thrive. There is still a lot of grass squeezing its way up through the thick layer of mulch. We will need to get at that over then next week or it will become unwieldy. A good soaking rain wouldn't hurt either, but I don't see one in the near forecast.

The garden is a wonderful way to start your day. We keep more pictures over at our Flickr site. I also watched Kelly's trailer again yesterday for old times sake. It still moves me.

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