Edible Peace Patch Blogs

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Break from the gusty weather

Today was not nearly as windy as it had been the previous few days. Today we did not have any students come out becuase they were all enjoying their spring break. Since we do not have any students coming out, we decided that not everyone had to come out for their shifts. The early shift this morning tried to fix some of the broken trellises, but the tools available would not suffice, so were going to get the necessary tools and repair them tomorrow. The first shift also watered all the beds becuase it was pretty hot out, and the sun was really shinning brightly. I'm sure the plants really enjoyed their shower. The second shift ended up watering everything that the first crew did not get to. Other things to report- The three sisters now have at least some support, but larger sticks are going to be needed soon. The peppers are coming up nicely, along with the okra. I had a bite of spinach, it looked and tasted really nice, there was also a lady bug protecting the spinach from pests.

Tomorrow we plan on fixing the trellises so the climbing plants can do their thing.
Until tomorrow!

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