Edible Peace Patch Blogs

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weeding and Waiting

Our Edible Peace Patch Garden at Lakewood Elementary is full of so much potential in the form of so many seeds. A few of them have begun to poke their leaves through the soil, but most of them are waiting for a little bit more sun and warmth. It is looking a bit bare right now for the most part, but I know that wonderful things are on their way.

The garlic looks fantastic. Some of the other vegetables that don't mind the cold are also pushing through. The weeds don't seem to be bothered by the cold either. They are out in full force. Nothing a whole team of dedicated volunteers can't handle however! We spent quite a bit of time Friday pulling out small weeds, big weeds, and sedge. The aloe seems thankful for our help. It can now take over its own bed without competition. The number of little orange mites has decreased as well. We only found a few on the butterfly bush.

For now all we can do is keep weeding and waiting. The garden will get there in its own time. With all the love the children and volunteers are giving it, it should be just fine!

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