Hello all you lovely cyber-gardeners!
Today was such an amazing gardening thursday... the weather could not have been better all day. If the message isn't loudly and clearly shouted by the new leaves continuously sprouting from the Crape Myrtle trees, then the warming weather is a dead giveaway that it's March and spring is coming!
We had Ms. Bates' fifth grade class. They are always so well behaved. There was not much that had to be done, so we had them pull the grass that, in its ruthless way, won't stop coming up through the mulch. It was relaxing and a good opportunity to talk with the kids on a more casual level. I think the kids enjoyed it as well. During a gap time, when no classes were to be had, we planted Morning Glories along the fence line. They should make for a gorgeous accent. Keep your green fingers crossed that they bask in the sun, relish the fresh water, and come up healthy and beautiful! A surprise fourth grade class came out with Peggy. It was their first time to the garden, and you could tell too! We split them up into three groups and gave tours of the garden. They were crazy enthusiastic and their questions never stopped. Later a second grade class came out and followed the curriculum. They each chose a square within the beds and drew their observations (with pencil and crayons). They then drew their hypotheses to what the plants will look like in the weeks to come. The kids won't be at the garden next week, because of required testing, and we won't have any classes the week after, because of our spring break, so the kids won't be seeing much of the garden for two full weeks. I think we will all miss their company. The energy of the second graders was refreshing, and we had them water the green house with the extra time. One final class came out in the afternoon. Only eight kids were able to participate so they each were able to have nice and personal attention.
We had a meeting this evening as well. It went very nicely. The HARVEST FESTIVAL is going to be April 23 from 6:30-8:00 pm. Its going to be an accumulation of amazing earth magic! That is it for this Thursday though, and, as usual, it was nothing but sunny out in the Peace Patch....
"mwuah!" from the flowers :)

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